
Accerion was founded by Willem-Jan Lamers after an epiphany – the global economy was entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  

Today, Accerion makes the world’s first 100% infrastructure-free positioning technology for mobile robots and AGVs. 

To meet the demands of customers in Europe, the U.S., China and India, we’ve doubled our staff and expanded our headquarters in Venlo, Netherlands. Our talented and passionate team works hard to tailor capabilities to an evolving market. 

Where are we going from here? Our mission is to take our unique positioning technology to mobile robot and AGV manufacturers all over the world. So, the short answer is, we’re going everywhere, guiding mobile robots into the future.

Want to know more?

Accerion is at the center of the world’s fastest-growing and evolving tech sector. To play in this arena, we anticipate customer needs and add greater functionality to our positioning products. Let’s discuss ways we improve your high-performance operations.

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