Today we launch a new series highlighting our relationships with valued partners and how we work together.
We start with world-class logistics automation partner and the largest research institute in the field of logistics in Europe, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, or IML.
Accerion is fortunate to benefit from Fraunhofer IML’s years of industry experience to improve our unique positioning technology and products. That’s what makes them true industry partners.
Accerion doesn’t build mobile robots, nor do we create software to make them drive autonomously. What we developed is positioning technology to help autonomous guided vehicles – or AGVs – know where to go.
Accerion provides the positioning technology that integrates with Fraunhofer IML’s vehicle Navigation Controller – Nav.-Con. – and AGV fleet and traffic management system, openTCS. IML does much of the heavy lifting in this video, including integrating Accerion’s software in their Nav.-Con. software platform and supporting i-COW in the integration of the vehicles. This demonstrates how all the technology works together for fast, smooth and accurate pallet pickup and placement.
This is logistics automation and industry partnership at its finest!
Accerion participates in Interreg’s Smart Tooling Project